Above the Rim - 40up
Victory's "Above the Rim - 40up" Ministry meets every Sunday evening at our Gym (located on the grounds of the Church) from 5.30pm for Bible class followed by basketball. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Come learn how success on the court can become success in real life! Call 256 767 1749 for more details.
Bible Study (Wed. 6pm)
Bible study and Q&A in an intimate setting. A perfect opportunity to ask the questions you've always wanted to but were afraid!
Relentless Pursuits
This study series focuses on marriage and family. Like us on Facebook, and journey with us as we pursue Godly marriages, and raise Godly families. New season coming soon!
Sunday School (10am)
Come join us before services for an in-depth study on God's Word! We are currently studying David Jeremiah's "The God You May Not Know".
Children's Church (11.30am)
For ages 3-10. Children will learn all about God, His Holy Word, and His plan for salvation through His son, Jesus Christ.
Victory Teens (11.30am)
For ages 11-18. Teens will learn all about God, His Holy Word, and His plan for salvation through His son, Jesus Christ. Monthly social activities planned to strengthen fellowship amongst the youth.
Small Groups
Sign up to be part of our Small Groups series!
New classes to begin soon!